- MAURITANIAN IRON ORE JETTY Mauritania, Africa During a five-year project, DUC Marinegroup performed maintenance to an iron ore jetty in Mauritania, Africa. The jetty was protected […]
- M.E.T. Pile Encapsulation Port of Rotterdam, The Netherlands At the Maatschap Europoort Terminal (M.E.T.) in the 7th Petroleum harbour of Rotterdam, DUC Marinegroup together with Henskens B.V. […]
- CONSTRUCTION PARKING GARAGE MAHLER 4 For the construction parking garage mahler 4 in busy Amsterdam. we carried out underwater concreting at a depth of six metres. […]
- REMOVAL OF GROUT BLOCKS FROM A DIAPHRAGM WALL IN FRANCE Le Havre, France During the construction of a new harbour in Le Havre (France), grout blocks […]
- ENECOGEN ROTTERDAM Power Plant, Rotterdam DUC Marinegroup in cooperation with BAM installed two cooling water inlets for a power plant in Rotterdam. This was completed to […]
- SHELL PARKING GARAGE The head office of SHELL is located right in the heart of The Hague. This area having little or no parking facilities, a […]
- INSPECT, TEST AND IF REQUIRED REPLACE ANODES Port of Rotterdam and Amsterdam, The Netherlands In the Port of Rotterdam and Amsterdam, DUC Marine Group regularly checks […]
- VOPAK PILE ENCAPSULATION Port of Rotterdam, Nederland At Vopak in the port of Rotterdam, DUC Marinegroup blasted and preserved steel piles in a five-year project by […]