Your materials in safe and capable hands 


DUC Marine Group is highly qualified to take care of repairs and maintenance. We have experience with sheet piles, pipelines, piles and other related underwater materials, and we are available for all kinds of marine repairs.

Constructions and structures located in, near or in contact with water, are subject to the corroding effects of both fresh and salt water, which can lead to serious damage to the materials. Regular maintenance and repairs at an early stage will prevent damage and enhance the life span of the structure.

Our Repair and Maintenance services often go hand in hand with our Inspection and Survey work. By performing wall thickness measurements, carrying out test drillings and inspecting anodes we can determine the condition of the materials to determine whether repairs are necessary. We have an extensive range of materials, equipment and work vessels available. Our fully equipped work vessels ‘Ram’ and ‘Assistant III’ are on call and can be deployed quickly.

Concrete Repairs

DUC Marine Group has extensive experience with concrete repairs. We have performed under water concrete repairs in Tunisia, Turkey, India, Germany, UK, Belgium and other locations. Our expertise includes pouring concrete (grout) underwater and grout injections. Our experience ranges from dam wall repairs to reinforcing concrete piles.


Steel piles located on the wind/water line have a lot to suffer from corrosion. DUC Marine Group has developed a method to preserve the piles, using our Pile Encapsulation System.

We have two ways to attach reinforcements around the piles. Our first method is to encase the reinforcement with a polyester jacket and pouring an extra layer of concrete around the pile. The second method is to fit the polyester jacket tight around the pile. The layer between the pile and the ‘jacket’ is then injected with epoxy, effectively gluing the jacket to the pile. Both methods have proven to be long lasting and efficient solutions.

Swimming Pool Construction and Maintenance

DUC Marine Group has extensive experience with swimming pool maintenance, specifically with movable swimming pool floors and submersible booms.
We have carried out construction and maintenance work on hundreds of swimming pools, ranging from private pools to the Aquatics Centre (Olympic Pool) in London. Due to the increasing popularity of movable swimming pool floors, we are expanding our work across the globe from UK, Belgium, Ireland and France to Australia.

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    MAKING A CONDENSER PIT WATERTIGHT Tunisia, Middle East In 2004 in Tunisia, DUC Marinegroup used shotcrete injection to repair and apply a watertight layer to a […]
  • Replacing oil pipeline

    REPLACING OIL PIPELINE  In Ashkelon, DUC Marine Group helped with the replacement of two 1500-m sections of pipeline. These oil pipes ran from a refinery to […]
  • Enecogen Rotterdam

    ENECOGEN ROTTERDAM Power Plant, Rotterdam DUC Marinegroup in cooperation with BAM installed two cooling water inlets for a power plant in Rotterdam. This was completed to […]
  • Wall thickness measurements in Georgia

    WALL THICKNESS MEASUREMENTS IN GEORGIA Georgia, Europe At the end of 2011, DUC Marinegroup performed wall thickness measurements on a quay wall made of sheet piling […]
  • Mauritanian iron ore jetty

    MAURITANIAN IRON ORE JETTY Mauritania, Africa   During a five-year project, DUC Marinegroup performed maintenance to an iron ore jetty in Mauritania, Africa. The jetty was protected […]
  • Inspect, testing and replacing of anodes

    INSPECT, TEST AND IF REQUIRED REPLACE ANODES Port of Rotterdam and Amsterdam, The Netherlands  In the Port of Rotterdam and Amsterdam, DUC Marine Group regularly checks […]
  • M.E.T. pile encapsulation

    M.E.T. Pile Encapsulation Port of Rotterdam, The Netherlands At the Maatschap Europoort Terminal (M.E.T.) in the 7th Petroleum harbour of Rotterdam, DUC Marinegroup together with Henskens B.V. […]
  • Vopak pile encapsulation

    VOPAK PILE ENCAPSULATION Port of Rotterdam, Nederland  At Vopak in the port of Rotterdam, DUC Marinegroup blasted and preserved steel piles in a five-year project by […]
  • Salvage of a dry dock

    SALVAGE DRY DOCK In Sluiskil, DUC Marinegroup was contracted to salvage the sunken Dry Dock B of the Schroef shipyard. After being awarded this contract, DUC […]
  • Grout lines removed

    GROUT LINES 28.4 KM REMOVED  ContractIn the middle of August 2013 DUC Marinegroup received a contract from RWE Innogy, for works on the offshore windfarm Nordsee […]