Making a condenser pit watertight MAKING A CONDENSER PIT WATERTIGHTTunisia, Middle EastIn 2004 in Tunisia, DUC Marinegroup used shotcrete injection to repair and apply a watertight layer to a condenser pit.Categories: Civil Underwater Construction, Inshore, Maintenance and Repairs Gerelateerd21/12/2015Construction parking garage AmsterdamLees meer14/01/2016Wall thickness measurements in GeorgiaLees meer22/12/2015Salvage of a dry dockLees meer14/01/2016Replacing oil pipelineLees meer14/01/2016M.E.T. pile encapsulationLees meerDen Helder, 28 augustus 2013Duiker is een wand aan dichtlassen zodat deze wand geen lekkage meer heeft.14/01/2016Inspect, testing and replacing of anodesLees meer